Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Album Recording - Part III - Emppu, guitar, huge pike and more...

Emppu, November 9, 2010

     Hi, gang, it’s been a while. I guess it’s my time to write about what’s going on in the studio.

     The summer Rock Camp is now behind us, and we’ve been busy listening to demos. Jukka even managed to complete his drum parts for the album. Right on… There was such a nice vibe at the summer camp that this time I’m going to try a different approach to recording my stuff. Last time it was more like working nine to five, busting my ass in the studio, but this time I took the recording equipment home and will try to maintain that laid-back, jamming feeling I had during the whole summer, when we were rehearsing and demoing the songs with the guys. In a way, I guess I have succeeded -- I have now been laying down rhythm tracks for a week, and as a bonus, I caught a 5,14-kg (11.3 lb) pike !

     Anyway, Tuomas and Mikko Karmila (Koo-Mikko the Comedian) were here a while ago. We messed around with the amps for a day, trying different sounds, and I’ve now completed about half of the rhythm tracks. It’s hard to say whether my job is 30% or 5% done, because if old signs hold true, the guitar parts just keep on increasing. Meaning that just when you’re  about to pop open that bottle of champagne, you realize that, damn, this and that part still need something. In other words, having learnt something from previous sessions, I’ll keep the champagne on ice at least for another six months.

     That’s about it for the moment. I’ll try to snap a few pics from the session at some point, so later, folks -- rock on!

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