Monday, April 18, 2011

Album Recording - Part I - Drum Recordings - The Beginning

Jukka, October 15, 2010

     After spending an intensive summer camp on Finnish countryside and putting a final touch to the demo, we started recording the drums for our next album. We gathered together yesterday and set up the drums and all the recording devices. Today was mostly spent just perfecting the sounds. Just like with our last album we got some back-up from Mr. Kai Hahto (Swallow The Sun & Wintersun), who is known to be able to conjure godly sounds by tuning the drums. The legendary duet of Mikko Karmila and TeeCee Kinnunen are taking care of the engineering again. Tonight ended with a complete take of the first song, so the recording session has now officially started! Jihaa!



Mr. TeeCee
Get off my seat punk!

This peculiar trio will be responsible
for the album production.Convinced?
The Undead drum
tech soon to be dead.

Kai is taking a break
in his typical environment.
The friendly beduins let us use one of
their tents as a drum recording space.

Kekkonen is not dead?
Right there, to the edge, focus.

The last man not standing.
Liquor - art a`la Mikko Karmila.
Looking for endorsement..

Great swing.
Even better swing.

Not swinging enough!
Hey sis, you meant like this?

Job well done.
Pouring the champagne.

One happy camper.
Kaitsu (drum wizard)
& Mikko (engineer).

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