Monday, April 18, 2011

Album Recording - Part II - All the drum tracks are recorded!

Jukka, October 20, 2010

     I usually find recording sessions stressful and just want to have them done as fast as possible, but this time it was all different. The whole session was extremely relaxed and we didn't hurry at all. We took the time to try some different approaches to some of the songs and didn't make any compromises. As one of the pictures shows, Tuomas literally whipped the very best out of me. But I'm sure he did it with love...

     Songs have again a massive variety and mood changes from lunatic circus to a hazy jazz club. It was a great challenge to try to get the right touch to each of the songs, but my "humble" opinion is that we nailed it. Today we finished the session by recording witch drum to the starter of the album and by playing brushes to a classy ballad in the spirit of David Lynch. Drums were recorded to ten songs all together and it couldn't have been any better - perfect location, great guys around to work with and some excellent music to be created.

     Now it's time to raise my glass and say "cheers" to the guys. It's Emppu`s turn to give his contribution to the album and I'm sure you'll hear something of him soon.



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